Monday, July 8, 2013

Body Language Is Power!

Make a Lasting Impression
 Now that you feel amazing both physically and emotionally, it's time to attract that special someone. Remember that you only get one first impression, so have a positive attitude before you meet the man in question. The first thing you can do is establish eye contact to show a man you're interested.
Hold his gaze for just the right amount of time. You don't have to stare into his eyes for hours, but looking at him for just a few seconds from across the room will show that you're interested. Be approachable. When you look at the man, try not to look “TOO” eager, but make it clear that you would be happy if he started a conversation with you. Let your facial expressions do the talking. Once the man approaches you, don't forget to smile, smile, smile! Nothing says that you're friendly and attractive like a good smile. Smile--but don't over-think it. Make your smile something you approach the world with. Not only will this make your smile more natural and frequent, but you will feel happier in general. Try smiling when you're not happy - you'll find that some happiness bubbles up. You don't have to look overly-eager when you smile--just be natural. Now that your man has seen the look in your eyes, as well as your smile, it's time to use your body to show him the attraction is mutual. Carry yourself in a confident manner. Don't slouch, look at your feet, or cross your arms over your chest. Avoid nervous actions like playing with your hair or biting your nails. Instead, face the man and keep your arms moving through gestures. This will make you seem like an open and dynamic person.  WARNING… don’t over do it, throwing your arms everywhere knocking people out and breaking objects! Show him that you're interested. If you're feeling his love, there's no harm in leaning in to hear him talk, especially if you're in a loud or crowded place. A light touch on the arm or knee can also show him that you like what he has to offer without being too aggressive. Physically hold his attention. Make sure to maintain eye contact and to avoid looking around--or even worse, checking your phone every five minutes--when he's talking to you. He wants to feel like he's the only person in your world, and nothing will turn a man off faster than someone who checks her email every two minutes instead of holding up her end of the conversation.

Toughen UP!!
 If he's teasing you, play along. Enjoy his playful personality. Learn to be playful and accepting. As EMOTIONAL Women we tend to take everything to heart (I AM GUILTY OF IT TOO!) He might playfully say look at those huge hips MMmm! If we are self-conscious it will affect us in a negative manner leaving us hurt and defensive. Your MAN on the other hand will not know what in the world just happened when he thought he was complimenting your curves that he fell in love with!!! My deal with this is… try to take it positively! J
 Don’t be AFRAID!!!.........YET DON'T OVER DO IT!!!

Men love women who have a great sense of humor and who are confident enough to show it off. Though this may not be the time for Why did the chicken cross the road jokes, don't be afraid to throw in a joke or two if the occasion is appropriate. No man wants a woman who takes herself too seriously--showing that you can laugh at yourself will show not only that you have confidence, but that you're aware of your flaws. Men don't want a girl who is "too perfect" and this will make them feel more secure about themselves.

Show off your SMARTS!
 Don't be afraid to show off your brains for fear of intimidating a man. If he's the right guy, he'll be attracted by how smart you are, and will want to spend more time picking your brain .Show him your knowledge of current events, historical figures, or even your witty analysis of pop culture. If you know what you're talking about, he'll be pleased to hear you elaborate. There's a difference between sounding smart and showing off. Avoid bragging about where you went to college, how many countries you visited, what celebrities you know, or any other information that make you sound like you're ALL THAT!!!
BE DIFFERENT and be PROUD of it!!!
There are plenty of confident, funny, and smart women out there, but there is only one you. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there to show what makes you who you are. If it's appropriate, tell him a funny or interesting story from your past that will give him a sense of what kind of person you are and what kind of experiences have shaped your life. Don't be afraid to share your interests. If you're teaching yourself French or are learning to ride the unicycle, tell him about it. He'll be impressed that you're marching to the beat of your own drummer and will be impressed by your zest for new things. Share something about your family or friends, BUT try to stay positive and focus on good memories!

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