Friday, July 24, 2015

30 Before 30

1. When people think your hobbies are a stupid waste of time, ignore them and realize that you’re insanely lucky to have found something you love doing pretty early in life! You basically have a resume before you need it! Hobbies like photography, drawing, painting, writing, collecting, building, singing or playing an instrument are just a few things that could lead to a dream job someday! 
2. Fall in love more, not caring about whether or not it will last “forever”. Don’t let that stop you from dating because shortly you’ll figure out that sometimes the big loves last and sometimes they don’t, but that doesn’t change how much you learn, it wasn't for nothing! 
3. Photograph your grandpas! Ask them lots of questions when you take their pictures, because you will be amazed at how much they know! This applies to your parents and to your children when young, because they grow fast! 
4. Worry less about money. Money will come and go and it’s not everything! Yes it is very important, but shouldn't control you in negative ways. You need it to live happily, but not to spend foolishly! 
5. Stop comparing yourself to unrealistic celebrity looks, other people in school or at work, your friends, and photoshopped magazine models! I know its hard, but it can cause heartache. You should be proud of who you are, your background, your hometown, your unique curves, smile, eyes, dimples, and quirky personality! You are beautiful/handsome just the way you are! Real beauty comes from within, are you a caring, giving, sweet person or a pretty, stuck up, mean, ugly jerk! I rather be sweet! 
6. Back talk less with Mom&Dad. I get that they can nag and be annoying in their old fashioned ways, but really they’re right a lot of the time and you’re young and you don’t know it all. They can actually teach you some things! 
7. Don’t buy into the “Staying busy thing!" Spend time without distractions. Make eye contact. Be present. Love those around you before they get up and leave you wondering! 
8. Don’t sweat the small Shit! You’ll realize soon enough that most stuff is not important and life is a lot more pleasant when you go through it with a smile. So forget the cap off the toothpaste the toilet seat up and the little thing on the floor....really? While you complain life goes on and you lose time that you could've been laughing! 
9. Put on sunscreen every day. Mom will finally get through to you about this one day and you’ll feel silly that you didn’t do it for all those years. While you’re at it, take calcium & vitamins. You will thank me when your 60! 
10. Get your sleep....Trust me, you’ll look like 25 in your late 30's. 
11. Study more than just one career in college or University. Know that later on someone will tell you that there were photography classes and you’ll wish you’d known about them. You don’t know this now, but you’ll go on to do a separate degree in photography or Cosmetology etc... STOP thinking you can only get a job at a desk!
12. Physics, Science, and Chemistry ROCKS! French, German, Japanese, and Italian classes are definitely worth taking to impress in that future dream job! These are very enjoyable, so don’t sleep through them. 
13. LOVE MORE, JUDGE LESS! I know this is easier said than done when people constantly disappoint you! It is all about giving yourself peace! 
14. The iPhone and anything Apple are virus protected....Save for this and never be hacked! 
15. Never post too much personal info. on social sites such as your full name with birthdate, nude pics, copies of ID's and family members info. You never know what people will do to harass you or threaten your loved ones! 
16. Travel out of your country, learn other cultures....It changes your life.
17. Stop ignoring mom when she wants to teach you how to cook. You’ll realize when you are on your own you won't know what to cook!
18. Be spontaneous and unpredictable.... Ensuring that know one will know your next move! Best way to stay safe.
19. Decide now while your young what you want to do as an occupation, rather than deciding later. Stick with a goal so you stay focused and disciplined.  
20. Open your mind!!! Try a new food, go somewhere you wouldn't normally go, friend people of different races and cultures, listen to something in a different language you may end up loving the beat, READ more than watching movies. The movie directors usually cut half the story out to fit it into the 2hours they have for a film so you miss a lot that you probably would have wanted to see that you can imagine on your own! Adopt a strange unusual LEGAL pet, dress differently for a few days, dye your hair a crazy color or many colors...hey you only live once! DO NOT CARE WHAT PEOPLE THINK OF YOU! Your happiness is all that matters, they wish they had the guts to step out of their boring circles!  
21. Buy a high quality camera...You never know what you could capture that might make you big money! 
22. Try to be in pictures with other people. One day you’ll regret that there aren’t many pictures of you at different times in your life to see how you and your family and friends gracefully aged... It isn't vain taking selfies, just try not to be a HOE! 
23. 10* things you desperately should know:
1-Never trust someones word for it, you must see it first! BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, YADDA YEA! 
2-Stick to what you say you will do, or don't say it at all! 
3-Never tell the secrets that a person trusted you to keep quiet, to other people that never need to know! 
4-Pick your close-friends, never let them pick you! Don't let people into your personal life or relationships, they always end badly! Never work with a family member! It is true you can't mix business with family... They tend to want more privileges, or never payback on loans, want freebies, steal! Don't be fooled just because your family!  
5-Art should come from your Gut feelings rather than your Head! 
6-Always ask someone before taking something that doesn't belong to you....another words be respectful cause you would hate it if they did that to you! 
7-Honor the wishes of a dying person no matter what! 
8-Give a great first impression and Be direct, if you want or need something don't hint...just say it out! People hate guessing and people hate when you turn out to be something you never were! 
9-Never cheat on, lie to, hurt, beat-up, or injure another person....KARMA IS REAL BABY! It hits you when you don't realize and you have already forgotten what you've done, then BAM💥 it happens to you or to someone you love! 
10-Love people for real that you say you love WITHOUT CONDITIONS OR EXPECTING THINGS FROM THEM! Love is unconditional a thought of giving without getting in return! Believe me if you love them they will love you back and you get more than you ever imagined! 💞
24. Keep a back up of everything you want to save on a computer either on a flash drive, online storage, or backup hard drive...or do all of them! Technology can fail on you, die, burnout, or be stolen! Keep folders within folders within folders that confuse people if they are trying to sneak around on your computer! Keep things passworded then send a password hint to your email only you would know, if you need to write them down for quick reference follow this example... Password: rabbithun245  you write rabb**h**two4* no one will guess! Be Careful what pictures you click on or save they carry harmful viruses. 
25. Keep a journal to self evaluate your actions! This helps you mature and use wisdom. You capture more of your bad behaviors and are able to stop them making positive life changing decisions. 
26. Go to places within your hometown, arcades, bowling, museums, name a star, exhibits, farms, aquariums, drive-in movies, Expo's, flea-markets, vineyards, hayrides, horseback-riding, galleries, races, pedigree shows, auctions, car-shows, lightweight plane rides, hot-air balloon rides, amusement parks, sky dive, bungee jumps, marathon, water theme parks, church, concert, cemetery, fairs, karaoke bars, wrestling, boxing, cruises, tour boats, whale watching, trolley rides, zoo, nightclub, high class restaurant, boutiques and much more! ⭐️Adventures help grow knowledge! 
27. Ignore people who tell you that you won't succeed, it is usually said to you, because they are failures or that they disagree with your choices....You decide your path whether right or wrong! They won't be paying your bills your entire life! Just try to think of the pro's and con's before making MAJOR decisions! 
28. Don’t let your parents hand-me downs slip away! For example your grandmother's ring passed to your mother then to you from the 1920's probably worth more than a house! For the boys...never be embarrassed to accept your fathers old beat up 1950's thunderbird...there exists collectors that would pay off your university all the way through for a chance to restore a beauty like that! Lastly on this subject keep those beanie babies with the tag on them, Yes they are worth money! A Lot of kids are gifted things they don't appreciate until they grow older and hear how a nerdy friend made 50,000 dollars selling his old matchbox collection! Don't forget the value of something once the founder/creator dies....BE SMART, SAVE THOSE ANIME FIGURINES! 
29. You are not UNCOOL even though you may feel that way at times, for what it’s worth, “COOL" is a high school thing it doesn't last! 
30. Never CONFORM! Stick to being you! Never copy someone else or wish to be like her, him, them! You are an original, not a copy! Copies have no value! 
