Thursday, October 24, 2013

So..... you LOVE, unconditionally?

Not many people on this planet love eachother the way they should taking them for granted, using them, and stepping on their emotions left and right..... do you have what it takes to love unconditionally?

Hate to say it, but people in general don't do anything for someone else unless they know they have something greater coming back, almost everyone on this planet never ever gives, without the thought of return, whether it be a favor, money, material things, or popular status everybody wants something!
Is it possible for us to learn to LOVE with no personal desire for gain?
Lets ask a few questions and see if you pass the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE test.....

1~ Do you feel appreciated by your partner/spouse?    Y/N
2~ Have you ever felt down about somene close to you missing an important event in your life?  Y/N
3~ Have you ever recieved a gift you didn't like, but said nothing? Y/N
4~ Have you ever given money out to a stranger over $50. dollars? Y/N
5~ Were you ever requested to do something for someone when you felt too tired, and did it anyway? Y/N
6~ Are you prone to surprising people with gifts or charity? Y/N
7~ Would you ever give up your dessert if there wasn't enough left at a dinner party? Y/N

If you answered the majority YES, you are very giving, and really LOVE unconditionally!
If you answered the majority NO, you need to stop being so greedy and reach out to others,
 you are not the only one on this planet!
To sum it all up we must reevaluate our lives and how much the people around us mean to us.
If we really LOVE one another we must show it without looking for what we can get out of it!