Friday, July 5, 2013

Hollywood Babes and their secrets!

So why is Pamela Anderson such a sexy bombshell?
What does Angelina Jolie have that Jennifer Doesn't?
What did Marilyn have that Jacqueline Kennedy couldn't compete with?
Men love a mysterious woman, a woman with the ability to keep things quiet and  a woman who doesn't need to impress with words!
Men love when women can hold their own in a crowded room of beauties and make heads turn!
A man loves a woman who can make him laugh, who does crazy things and never sticks to the same old same old!
A total turn on, the last thing a man wants is a useless money sucker!
A woman who knows what she wants, has a future plan and can manage things on her own a long with her man's is what every guy marries.
PERSONALITY with a touch of UNIQUE
Be yourself and create your own style that suits your body. If a man wanted a barbie he wouldn't be with you, you need to be who you are and add a special touch to create something no one can copy!
Just look at Chris Brown dumping RiRi because she is so needy?!?!
Whether she is or not it proves a point, you need a life so he can WANT you and MISS you enough to come back!
Okay those are some things, but the reality of it is MEN are VISUAL and if your HOT they notice!!!
You can be totally hot, but end up alone, WHY? Because you are hot without character!
You don't have anything else to offer so they have their FIVE minutes of hotel time and that is all you get!
You want to show your man that you are in deed "WOMAN" so with that I will be giving you simple steps to keep your man interested in YOU!

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